Product & Services

Virtual HR

Our VirtualHR software is a single place HR module for all kinds of businesses. Our software makes it easy to collect, maintain, and analyze your people's data, improve the way you hire talent, onboard new employees, manage compensation, and develop your company culture. It’s designed to set you free to focus on what matters most—your people.

Business Tally

Accounting application for small businesses. It offers a well-rounded, intuitive, and attractive double-entry accounting experience that supports invoices and estimates. Easy and generous customization options makes it deployable in no time.

Smart Inventory

Cloud-based inventory management app tailored and designed for ecommerce retailers and wholesalers. It increase profitability with an automated, real-time, user-friendly approach to inventory management.

Home in your pocket

It provides unparalleled convenience of controlling your lighting, climate, entertainment, and security from a single, intuitive application. We create simple, affordable smart homes that you can keep in your pocket.

Embedded hardware and software solution

Performance of innovative products hinges to a great extent on the performance of embedded software. PathPartner, with its expertise in all aspects of embedded software – board support packages (BSP), device drivers, operating system (OS) porting, middleware integration and performance tuning – enables device manufacturers deliver superlative performance while reducing the complexities associated with cost, size and timelines. Armed with our experience of developing embedded software on all major semiconductor platforms, our team has successfully delivered projects across the spectrum – from turnkey embedded software development to performance optimization projects such as boot time optimization, power management, system optimization, and many more.

Artificial Intelligence

Computer vision is opening up possibilities of adding differentiating capabilities in high-tech products by enabling these products to see and understand the world around them better. However, computer vision is computationally intensive for typical embedded systems that the high-tech products run on – it consumes prohibitive amount of resources including CPU and memory. Add to that the challenge of achieving accuracy requirements and it becomes a huge adoption barrier.

ERP and WEB based solutions

An easy to use and custom ready ERP solutions is key to success for any organization. By developing custom ERP solution, organizations are able to improve day to day business activity efficiency including resorce management, project management, accounting, inventory, order fulfillment and more. The custom ERP software solutions developed at Spindales have been proven to effectively consolidate data and streamline business processes through advanced automations and integrations.